How To Spring Clean Your Auto Shop

You may have gotten to spring cleaning your home, but one thing you may not have gotten to is your auto shop. Whether you own your own auto shop or you manage one, you probably have more dirt, junk, boxes, and broken tools around your auto shop than you may care to admit. So, what can you do to get your auto shop looking a little cleaner and a whole lot more refreshed? This article will take a closer look at a few things for you to do. Are you ready to dive a little deeper and learn more? If so, then this article is just for you. 


That broken screwdriver that's been sitting on the shop floor has got to go. Those piles of empty boxes? Those need to go to. Take a close look around your shop. What can go? Is there a lot of trash that you haven't had the time to get rid of? Are there a bunch of broken tools lying around? All of this stuff is taking up useful space in your shop and is just making things a lot more hectic. Try to spend an entire afternoon going through everything when nobody is in the shop. For instance, if your shop is closed on a Sunday, then go in and do it then. 

Find Storage

Once you have decided on what needs to go and what needs to stay, now you need to store everything that you're keeping. Try to come up with some organizational system. A good thing to get is some heavy-duty storage cabinets. These storage cabinets can be used to house everything from different types of oils to patches for tires. Try separating everything into specific cabinets and label it all. For instance, you can have one storage cabinet that has fluids in it; just make sure that every shelf is correctly labeled with the type and grade of fluid. Then, once you get everything organized, teach your mechanics how to use the system and how to keep it organized. Try to get everyone to take ten minutes at the end of the day to go through and clean everything up. 

Cleaning up your auto shop doesn't have to be crazy hectic or impossible to do. In fact, by using these simple tips, you can get it clean and organized in almost no time at all. To learn more about heavy duty storage cabinets, contact a specialty company near you or read more here.

415 Words

About Me

Identifying Relocation Concerns Moving has always been a difficult process, especially since it can impact almost every aspect of your life. From finding new friends to getting used to a new commute, moving can be a lot to manage. However, if you plan efficiently and execute your plans properly, things will always come together. I wanted to start a little blog all about moving and making the most of your experience, so I started up this site. Check out these tips for identifying relocation concerns, reducing your stress load, and making things work out in the end. You won't regret doing what you can to make things easier.




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